Friday, February 28, 2020

We got it!

After a couple of days of brainstorming and going back and forth, Dio and I finally picked our documentary topic - Social media addiction.

Social media is a huge part of our everyday lives, especially since we are a part of Generation Z. This generation has been raised on the internet and social media. We wanted a topic to be able relate to and have easy access to subjects who suffer from this. In order for our documentary to have an emotional touch to it as I previously mentioned, my partner and I want to focus on the negative aspects of this rising epidemic. 

According to an article on social media addiction, ( ), teens who spend 5 hours a day on their phones are two times more likely to show depressive symptoms. Also, 71% of people sleep with or next to their mobile phone which can cause sleep deprivation. The amount of teenagers who use social media on a day to day basis has been increasing to an unhealthy amount. For example: 

We still need to decide what specific aspect of social media addiction we want to focus on but we hope to talk to our class this week to receive some feedback from them. 

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I cannot believe this is all over! Thanks for following along on my journey. Here is my CCR!