Due to the coronavirus epidemic, this project is becoming harder than ever. Because we need to interview individuals face to face, many cannot leave their houses due to quarantining and social distancing. My partner and I have been communicating the past couple of days, however, it is challenging to create a well-put-together documentary without being face to face with the people we need to interview.
Before schools' closed, Dio and I brainstormed our interviewees and questions for the documentary.
Dio and I wanted our questions to obviously relate to our social media addiction theme. We thought that these questions would generate sufficient answers from our subjects. Also, our interviewees all have a connection to the popular app.
We might need to FaceTime our subjects and screen record their answers if worst comes to worst and this global pandemic does not go away. I am praying it does!
You can create facetime or Skype interviews. Considering the current issues you are facing, both would be acceptable.