Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A productive wednesday

More and more filming.....

After a 6 hour shoot and multiple location changes, in total we got around 18 minutes worth of footage. Unfortunately, this was not what we were expecting since it felt like we were filming FOREVER. 

We were all nervous that these minutes were not going to be enough after editing. 

For the final project we need between 1 - 2 minutes of the opening scene. We definitely needed more footage just to be safe. After brainstorming the variety of ways to make up for the possible extra time, we decided to shoot another sentimental moment: 

Here, the camera is focusing on the two girls in a simple manner (not a crazy shot). This two shot addition lets the viewers focus on what is actually happening in the emotional scene. This addition creates even more character development to the overall film.

Since the voiceover is going to be added last, we wanted to talk actually talk aloud to make it look like I am helping her feel better. This moment adds to the girl's relationship characterization and will be placed right before the final scene. 

This placement was chosen in order to show the good times first - then the rough times that the two girls have been through together. 

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I cannot believe this is all over! Thanks for following along on my journey. Here is my CCR!